Friday, October 31, 2008

Pumpkins and Such

We went to the pumpkin patch and had some fun last weekend. In true 3 year old form Bri ate all of the caramel off the caramel apples and gave the apple part to her cousin. It was great weather and a good time was had by all.

Bri has been asking to make pumpkin pie for weeks (even though she has never had pumpkin pie) so I roasted my first pumpkins yesterday and we made pumpkin pie for a pot-luck tonight (hee/hee)!

I'll post pictures of the butterfly-fairy (Bri) and the pumpkin (Addie), from tonight, latter on.

Monday, October 20, 2008

If it'd been a snake...

Hi. Clint here. You know that ole saying that goes "If it'd been a snake, it'd've bit ya!" This home-spun cliche is usually employed to point out the very obvious (by then) location of any variety of sought object. However, in a one-in-a-million occasion, the object in question IS an actual snake. This was the case during Alisa's and my recent hike to Devil's Thumb up Shadow Canyon. She obliviously stepped right over it, it got flabergasted, then I caused more flabergastion as I walked up, and it nearly got me. (It was only due to my mongoose-like reflexes that I avoided the snake's strike).

Here is a picture of the snake. I'm sure it was more scared of us then...whatever!

As you can see from this picture above (taken later in the hike), we both escaped injury of the hemotoxic, reptilian variety. That's Devil's Thumb in the background.