Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Bike to Work Day 1

Bike To Work Day. This is an event in which Boulder residents are encouraged to ride their bikes to work, as opposed to using their gas-guzzling, emission spewing, loud sounding, oil dripping, tire squealing automotives. I have to say the town was a much quieter, more peaceful place this morning. Complimentary breakfast stations were set up all over town to accommodate the bike commuters. Most stations had coffee, bagels, fruit, and various freebies (like the bike sticker I got that said simply "Please do not steal my bike. Thank you." I thought it was quaint). A few even had free bike tune-up sections! And, tonight, there's a celebratory concert at the historic Boulder Theater by the folk rock band StoryTyme to wrap it all up. Very cool.
So, Alisa and I weren't really riding TO work; we were riding WITH our work IN the bike stroller, and Brianna seemed very happy tootling around town with a bagel, juice, and her Etch-A-Sketch. Either way, we felt we were a part of we were truly changing the world, one pedal revolution at a time. We all do what we can.



Barbara said...

AWESOME idea!!! Maybe it'll catch on, and we'll become more like the European countries!

Pat said...

Too cool! I am going to mention this to our bicycle safety teacher for HPU Con. Edu.