Friday, August 31, 2007

Kisses and I love you

Bri is funny. She gives me these giant smooshie kisses. She holds onto both of my cheeks and smashes my face into hers until we are both laughing so hard she has to let go. Now if that doesn't help the day get better I don't know what would.

On another note, everyday we have a conversation that goes like this:
(all spoken in a happy yelling voice)
Me: Bri, I love you!
Bri: Okay!
Me: But I love you!
Bri: (exasperated) Okay!
Me: I love you!
Bri: (annoyed but giggling) I love you ewww! (translation: I love you too)

Oh the joys of having/being an almost 2 year old.


just a guy said...

I SO want a Smooshie Kiss. (Sad. Stuck at work)...

Unknown said...

Thanks for the blog bro! Now I feel like I know what is happening with you. Gives a chance to feel like you are closer than you are. Miss you guys tons!

Pat said...

I enjoy hearing updates. I can just see & hear that precious Brr, Daddy, & Mommie.