Monday, June 25, 2007

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

We just returned from our first major family vacation to Mexico with our friends the Mezey's. Bri did fantastic on the plane rides.

She just loved the ocean. Unlike most almost 2 year olds who run away from waves Bri would head straight into the water. You would think a few sandy waves in the face would cure that but it didn't. She learned the word ocean and it sounds like she's saying "oh shit". Clint thinks she's saying "oh shit, that's a lot of water." Pretty dang funny.

We went into town one day to the market and ate at a taco stand. How is it that such simple tacos in Mexico can taste so dang good? Bri had a collision with the concrete and banged up her little face, so sad. As she screamed on the side of the road I waited for the police to send me to jail for trying to steal a little Mexican girl. One day we went to Chico's Paradise and hiked, chased roosters, swam and went down waterfalls (the boys did). Every day saw us at either the pool or ocean or both. Did I mention it was hot? Really, really hot. One night Clint and I got to have dinner on the beach...alone. **We just locked Bri in the room, surprisingly she did very well.

All and all it was a great time. Oh yeah, and it was hot. Really, really hot.

**This is a foot note, really it's a mother note. We didn't really lock Bri in the room for the night in order to go out. We did the classic baby switch. Jason and Kristin watched Bri one night and then we watched Josiah the next day. My Mom didn't want anyone to come after us for child abuse.


MiMi said...

Good Clan!! Wish I could have been a bird on your shoulders!! Glad you had a good time and have shared memories with me.

"Vern" said...

Fun stuff, thanks for sharing. I thought that was salsa on Bri's face so I guess she didn't look too bad...I think Bri' will have a swearing problem when she get's older...who's side of the family is THAT from?:) Anyway, talk to you guys soon and I'm glad you got some alone time in paradise!!!!

just a guy said...

We have a family blog now. I feel so 21st century! Dragged kicking and screaming...but here's to all those '1's and '0's that come together and mean stuff.

Thanks for checking us out and all. CL

90459613 said...

Thanks for the update, Locks! (I must be a bad English teacher-I have trouble with the plural.. want to write Lockses) Anyway, looks like you had a great time. Looking good, Alisa.. good baby-growing! Why does Bri suddenly look like she is ready to go to preschool? Vern, I thought it was salsa, too!

kristin&jason said...

Hey there, nice photos! It was great to be in Mexico with you people. We love ya dearly. Oh, and yes, it was very hot...
K, J & J

Barbara said...

This is an awesome blog! Thanks for sharing it with us! I've marked it so we can check it from time to time.

Madge said...

I wasn't worried about Bri alone in the room. I mean, I could really just see her either kicking back with an all natural soda or possible building some kind of amazing structure while you were gone.

Pat said...

Way, Way cute pictures! Really hot? Huh? Thanks for sharing.

Pat said...

Doing good on the plane was a good test as to how Bri will doo coming to MiMi's. I can hardly wait!!!