Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Due Date

Today is the day. That elusive due date the doctors give you by simply guessing the date of conception of your baby. This is the day that you look forward to sleeping on your back (when you get to sleep), not getting kicked from the inside out (which you will miss) and meeting that little baby that has grown inside you for 9+ months. This is the day. Or it’s supposed to be. Or maybe it isn’t. Yesterday wasn’t the day. Tomorrow may not be the day. Tomorrow may be the day. I guess today could be the day if "the day" is night. All we really know is that there will be a day. I hope that day is today or tonight, ok so I was hoping for yesterday.

Come out, baby, come out. We’re ready to meet you.


Pat said...

Oh my! I know you are glad to see that precious face and feel the gentle kicks from the outside. Welcome to being Mommy of 2. They are precious!!!

just a guy said...

You're so hot when you write funny stuff!