Thursday, January 24, 2008

A nap???

We happen to produce babies who don't sleep during the day. Really. Addison will sleep a total of maybe an hour or a little longer each day. This hour is split up into tiny power naps of 10 to 15 minutes. Bri was the same way. I had to teach Bri how to take naps and she didn't do so until around 11 months and even then it was only one nap of an hour and a half a day.

Right now as I type my house is quiet. I got to take a nap on the couch. I sat down to drink a glass of water. I checked my e-mail all by myself. I might just get time to go to the bathroom all alone. It's amazing! Both of the smallers are asleep. Is this really what other mom's experience?

I hear Addi...gotta get to the bathroom.


Unknown said...

Hey answer your question...naps are a figment of your imagination...seriously!! LOL!! My girls are FINALLY taking naps...but in the last few days, naps are quickly becoming a thing of the past. Jayna, at 5, probably doesn't need much of a nap anymore especially since she's about to start Kindergarten in September (I know...time flies FAST) and Jillian (2) is learning by example that you really do have more fun without a nap...until 7:30 when you CRASH and BURN and then stay up til midnight. UGG... I think it's about time to give out Benedryl... LOL!!

Hugs to you and the girls. Addy is absoultely precious...and Bri is so pretty....just growing up too fast!!

Love, Kat

Pat said...

Is this what is promised to me when I come to CO soon? I can hardly wait. We will just plan activities and then sleep at night?
They are such sweeties!

Pat said...

Is this what is promised to me when I come to CO soon? I can hardly wait. We will just plan activities and then sleep at night?
They are such sweeties!

Tracie said...

Hello Locks family!

Clint, thanks for sharing your family blog with us! It's amazing what we did without technology.

If you haven't read Babywise (or Growing Kids Gods Way) by Ezzo you might want to. I guess I should say only if you want a schedule. All four of our kids (7,6,5, and 1) are AWESOME sleepers because of it. They all slept through the night by ten weeks. Our 18 mo. old sleeps 3 1/2 hours, one nap, every day (and 13 hours at night). I swear by it. I don't think we would have had 4 if I didn't use the book.

Blessing to your adorable family!

The Minnesota Morrison's!